We came up with and created Palianytsia after the full-scale russian invasion of Ukraine. All those who developed Palianytsia in the first months were born in the russian-speaking east of Ukraine and spent a large part of their lives there. Unfortunately, russian was our native language. We want to speak Ukrainian. We want to know it and master it better than russian.
There is no reason to hide it: we created Palianytsia because we sensed a trend toward Ukrainian and an interest in learning the language in society. But the effort and time we put into our product is more of an emotional response than a business plan. Response to aggression against our country, which we love. russia doesn't just want to destroy the state. They want to destroy our culture. That is, the relationship between our relatives and us, the way we think, and what we value. We, as a people, will never allow what we love to be destroyed.
We strive to create a tool with the help of which the Ukrainian language will develop faster and more systematically. When you can see what Ukraine's most prominent Internet sources use your words, you understand that you are using the language correctly. If you can quickly find out whether they say so or not, then you quickly correct your mistakes. Your speech becomes more meaningful and powerful when you can instantly see how a word or phrase is used.
We want people to speak Ukrainian. So that our language is powerful, capacious, and effective. We want a large Ukrainian YouTube and all Ukrainian websites in Ukrainian. Our language should become attractive to all foreigners. Our task is to help our language become even more beautiful.
Even before the idea of Palianytsia, we were creating our website. We are engaged in developing innovative IT products, and in 2022 almost no one wrote about it in Ukrainian. We had no desire to write nonsense, and we did not have the opportunity to check ourselves. Finding those who write on a narrow, even more so, innovative topic in Ukrainian is difficult. We experienced the problem ourselves when we could not ensure that someone was saying the same thing as we were saying at work.
This problem concerns all professionals who want to speak Ukrainian. We see this in all fields because even on authoritative resources, the language is imperfect. High-quality vocabulary requires a practice of use and confirmation of quality by the expert community. Anyone with a significant audience can put into use a term or combination of words, and many of them. What matters is whether it's on point, whether it's going to stick around for decades, or whether it's making a good point.
We believe that language is a living organism that develops depending on the movement of society and urgent problems. This pluralism of opinions must be nourished and expanded; this is how language is crystallized. Therefore, it is important to understand what experienced people and influential publications say. And this is what Palianytsia exactly shows at every request.
This should be almost obvious to the professional community. Because when working on an innovative or simply complex text, you create new thoughts. Thoughts that perhaps no one has ever thought of in Ukrainian. These thoughts need a proper form to be understood. This is where Palianytsia becomes helpful — search for the expression, and you will know if something similar has been already saying. If they said, the probability that they will understand you is definitely higher. What to say about technical cases, when in the heat of the work process, you want to focus on the essence, not the form. You need to quickly find a form for each new idea, even if you can only express it well in another language.
We would know Ukrainian better if we taught it when someone had already made Palianytsia. When learning a language, it is very important to ensure that your wording is correct. It is equally important to understand how a word or expression is used.
There are also entirely household cases. Is this the correct spelling of the word? Are these two words used together? In what circumstances do they say that? These problems are encountered by everyone who uses language and wants to use it more accurately.
Palianytsia is a tool that can help everyone speak Ukrainian better. We do not know whether our product will help to know Ukrainian better. However, we know for sure that if you are reading this now, Ukrainian is already becoming more powerful and mature. This makes us happy.